Diarmuid Casey, Bobby Ellison, Pat Doran, Denis Wiehe, Peter Nolan, Hugh Boyle, Leo McGarry, Tom Raftery and Jude Lynch.

65th Anniversary of Ordination
Des Byrne, James Delaney, Séamus Galvin, Augustine Lindsay and Tom Timmins.
60th Anniversary of Ordination
Hugh Boyle, Pat Doran, Leo McGarry, Michael Moore (See below), Peter Nolan and Tom Raftery.

Profile of Fr. Michael Moore C.S.Sp.
Fr. Michael was born in 1930 in Co. Laois. He spent several years in Nigeria as a young priest in pastoral and educational roles including as Director of the Junior Seminary in Umuahia. During the Nigerian Civil War in the 1960s, he returned to Ireland. He served on the staff of the Spiritan Novitiate for six year, and was bursar in St. Mary’s College, Rathmines. A spell in a pastoral role in the USA, a four-year period as principal of the then agricultural school at Rockwell College and a period in Templeogue College followed. He was Provincial Bursar for six years and served in a parish in the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin. Since 2000 he has been a member of the Spiritan community in Rockwell College where Fr. Patrick, his older brother and fellow Spiritan missionary who served for over thirty years in Sierra Leone and who died in 2006, is buried in the community cemetery.
Golden Jubilarians
Willie Bradley, Diarmuid Casey, Robert Ellison, Michael Hickey, Michael Kane, Jude Lynch, Paul Walsh and Denis Wiehe celebrated the Golden Jubilee of their ordination in 1969.

Fr. Willie Bradley is from Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. Having done pastoral ministry in Brazil in the early 1970s, he served for over thirty years in Spiritan schools in Ireland. He was leader of the Templeogue College community from 2012-2018

Fr. Diarmuid Casey is a past-pupil of Mitchelstown CBS in Co. Cork. He did pastoral ministry in Kenya for a decade and a half. Moving to north America in the 1980s, he is today one of a dozen US-based members of the Irish Province.

Bishop Robert Ellison worked in formation and as General Secretary of the Congregation. Having first served in west Africa in education and pastoral roles in the 1970s, he was Bishop of Banjul (The Gambia) for many years until his retirement.

Fr. Michael Hickey attended Rockwell College in his native Co. Tipperary, returning there to ‘prefect’. Currently in a parish in the Diocese of Elphin, he ministered for many years in Sierra Leone including in Yengema and Pendembu.

Fr. Michael Kane spent much of the 1970s in Brazil. A former member of the Ardbraccan community, he leads the work of the Irish Province’s Office for Spiritan Life & Identity. He has also worked in formation and mission animation.

Fr. Jude Lynch is the Provincial Bursar. From Co. Galway, he served for many years in Sierra Leone including in the west African country’s capital, Freetown. In Ireland he has done pastoral ministry in the Archdiocese of Dublin and in Elphin diocese.

Fr. Paul Walsh spent over a decade in Kenya, in pastoral and education ministry, and a similar period in Australia. In Ireland he has done pastoral ministry, been part of the vocations’ team, and is chaplain of the Spiritans’ nursing home.

Bishop Denis Wiehe is from Mauritius where he completed his secondary education. Bishop of Seychelles since 2002, he had entered the Spiritan novitiate in Kilshane in the late 1950s, a little ahead of his compatriot Cardinal Maurice Piat C.S.Sp.