Spiritan News

Angolan Spiritan makes return trip to Ireland.

Fr Álvaro Boavida Caíca C.S.Sp. paid a return visit to the Kimmage Community in August 2024. Fr Álvaro, who had done English language studies and part of his formation in the Irish Province, was ordained in 2006…

account_circle The Author: admin
calendar_today Date: August 26, 2024 - access_time 1 minute read

Fr Álvaro Boavida Caíca C.S.Sp. (pictured) paid a return visit to the Kimmage Community in August 2024.

Fr Álvaro, who had done English language studies and part of his formation in the Irish Province, was ordained in 2006. He served in Vale do Queve mission in Huambo in his native Angola and, as parish priest, in Our Lady Queen of Peace parish in Luanda, and he is Bursar in the Province of Angola.

Angola is a Spiritan Province since 1977. Today, it has some 140 members, active in some thirty parishes. A total of seventy students are in formation.

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