All Spiritan Events

Memorial Sunday (also in Rockwell) 2021

Provisionally scheduled for Kimmage Manor

Author: admin - December 11, 2020

The Spiritans

Provincial Assembly and Feast Day of Venerable Francis Libermann

Provincial Assembly and Feast Day of Venerable Francis Libermann: Friday, 31st January 2020 in Kimmage

Author: admin - May 6, 2020

Spiritans Logo on red background

International Formators’ Meeting

International Formators’ Meeting Monday 25th – Thursday 28th November Rome.

Author: admin - May 4, 2020

Spiritans Logo on red background

Jubilee of Profession (75, 50, 25 years)

Saturday 7th September in Kimmage at 11:30a.m.

Author: admin -

The Spiritans
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