Spiritan News

Fr. Pat Doody C.S.Sp.

Ordained in 1968, Fr Pat served in Miguta and Thigio parishes of Kenya’s Archdiocese of Nairobi. Returning to Dublin in 1972, he ministered in the new Holy Spirit, Greenhills parish for over a decade. The appointment allowed the ex-student of Rockwell College to play hurling again, with An Caisleán and Robert Emmets!

account_circle The Author: admin
calendar_today Date: January 15, 2022 - access_time 1 minute read

Fr Pat and his twin sister, Eileen, are pictured celebrating their 80th birthdays in January 2022 on the family farm in Monagea, near Newcastle West, Co. Limerick.

Ordained in 1968, Fr Pat served in Miguta and Thigio parishes of Kenya’s Archdiocese of Nairobi.

Returning to Dublin in 1972, he ministered in the new Holy Spirit, Greenhills parish for over a decade. The appointment allowed the ex-student of Rockwell College to play hurling again, with An Caisleán and Robert Emmets!

Moving to the USA, he was a hospital chaplain in Metuchen and Richmond dioceses and did ‘mission appeals’ for the Irish Province in parishes across America. A spell of 6 years in New York as Provincial Delegate included the traumatic ‘9.11’ period.  

He was parish priest in Kimmage Manor (2006–2011), and later helped out in his native west Limerick.

Now actively retired, he coordinates Spiritan pastoral ministry in Dublin nursing homes & retirement communities.

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