Spiritan News

Join Us for Culture Night

This Culture Night, Sept 20th 4-9pm, we have a range of exciting activities for you…

account_circle The Author: admin
calendar_today Date: September 10, 2024 - access_time 2 minutes read

This Culture Night we have a range of exciting activities for you including:

Iconography Exhibition

Come, marvel at the skills and dedication of some of Ireland’s home-grown icon painters. Using ancient painting techniques, the icons on exhibition have been executed by members of the Association of Iconographers Ireland – both experienced and relative beginners. Join in conversation around this little-
known art-form being undertaken in Ireland – North, South, East and West. Who knows, you might be inspired to take up a brush and join them in the future.

Heritage & Archives Centre Digitisation Project

An exhibition of the life and work of the Doheny Brothers, Spiritan priests who made a lasting impression both here at home and overseas. This collection of files, papers and photographs of the Frs Michael and Kevin comprises a varied body of items: letters, reports, surveys, maps, country profiles and miscellaneous photographic material, running to thousands of items. The collection is going to be digitised and the exhibition deals with this exciting process.

Tour of Church of the Holy Spirit

Self-guided tour of the wonderful stained-glass windows in the Church of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Holy Spirit, Kimmage Manor, Whitehall Road, Dublin 12, D12 P5YP.

September 20, 4-9pm.
Call 01 406 3090 for more information

In association with Culture Night and We Act

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