The Mission Awareness Programme (MAP) is a vital part of Spiritan outreach, offering a unique opportunity to bring the stories of our overseas missions directly to Irish parish communities. Through MAP, we highlight the real and practical benefits of our work, demonstrating how the Spiritans’ presence makes a difference in some of the world’s most disadvantaged areas.

In 2025, we are privileged to visit the Diocese of Ossory and the Diocese of Limerick. These visits allow us to share inspiring accounts of how Spiritan missionaries are serving the poor, and supporting education, healthcare and pastoral care in communities across the globe.
MAP is more than just an opportunity to speak; it is a chance for us to build relationships, foster understanding and invite others to share in Spiritan mission. We look forward to engaging with the communities of Ossory and Limerick and to witnessing at first-hand the generosity and faith that continue to inspire our work.
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