Spiritan News

Note from the Bishops of the Brazilian Amazon on the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Population and the Rainforest

We, the Bishops of the Amazon, in the face of the uncontrolled advance of COVID-19 across Brazil, especially in the Amazon, express our immense concern and demand greater attention from the federal and state governments to this disease that is increasingly spreading throughout the region.

account_circle The Author: admin
calendar_today Date: July 6, 2020 - access_time 1 minute read

“You must label the economic operations that damage the Amazon with their proper name: injustice and crime”

 “You must be indignant.” 

(Pope Francis Querida Amazônia)

We, the Bishops of the Amazon, in the face of the uncontrolled advance of COVID-19 across Brazil, especially in the Amazon, express our immense concern and demand greater attention from the federal and state governments to this disease that is increasingly spreading throughout the region. The peoples of the Amazon demand special attention from the authorities so that their lives are not further violated. The mortality rate is one of the highest in the country and society is already witnessing the collapse of health systems in major cities like Manaus and Belém. The statistics reported by the media do not correspond to reality. Testing is insufficient to know the real expansion of the virus. Many people with evident symptoms of the disease die at home without medical assistance or access to a hospital.

Read the full document here

Image by Daniel Roberts from Pixabay

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