Spiritan News

Orientation Course N° 5 for Incoming Pastoral Ministry Workers

Participating, along with a total of sixteen others, in this two-week course was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn and to share. It increased my motivation and satisfaction as a minister of God and has pushed me to serve. The course enabled me to accept the complexity of the Irish Church, integrating myself into this new reality so that my ministry in Ireland is the mission of God and not ‘the mission of oneself.’…

account_circle The Author: admin
calendar_today Date: December 4, 2023 - access_time 1 minute read

Samy Sebastikkannu, September 2023

Participating, along with a total of sixteen others, in this two-week course was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn and to share. It increased my motivation and satisfaction as a minister of God and has pushed me to serve.

Orientation Course N° 5 for Incoming Pastoral Ministry Workers

The course enabled me to accept the complexity of the Irish Church, integrating myself into this new reality so that my ministry in Ireland is the mission of God and not ‘the mission of oneself.’   It helped us participants to develop our understanding of, and responsiveness to, social and cultural diversity through cultural exposure to Ireland as well as to the participants from other countries; I used to compare my Indian culture with Irish culture but now I can better accept and understand my Irish brothers and sisters. 

Sincere thanks to the Spiritan Mission Ireland Office for organising the course!

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