As elsewhere in East Africa, the number of people adversely impacted by the March-May 2024 ‘long rains’ in Kenya continues to rise. Heavy rains have caused extensive flooding and have affected more than 100,000 people, in some 20,000 Kenyan households. Approximately 40% of these are now displaced. The death toll as of the end of April had risen to several dozen.
Additionally, livelihoods, livestock, land for crops, and small businesses have been lost or destroyed, and schools, water sources and major roads have been damaged. People residing along river basins have been warned of possible flash floods and at least one dam has burst with consequent loss of life. Heavy rainfall is predicted to continue into May.

In Garissa County, there are five active displacement sites, two of which host an average of more than 1,000 people each. The number of displaced people is expected to increase substantially. Tana River County has 10 displacement sites, dating back to the El Niño-induced floods of late last year which have been compounded by the recent long rains.
With funding of €15,000 from Misean Cara, Spiritans in parishes in Wenje (Fr Urbanus Mumo Munywoki C.S.Sp.), and Garsen (Fr Respiscius Kweyamba C.S.Sp.) are responding by supporting 9,000 people (some 1,500 families) with food and medicine. Criteria for the selection of beneficiaries included disability, gender, age (elderly and children were prioritised) and household capacity.