Soul Food for The Third Sunday of Lent, 23rd March 2025
Jesus calls us to repent. Repentance is at the heart of Lent – a renewal of our invitation to believe in the Good News of the Gospel. It is a call to consideration and prayer, urging us to turn our hearts to God, not just during Lent but every day. In today’s Gospel, we hear about the fig tree – a valuable tree in hot climates because it requires little water. However, the particular tree described has failed to bear fruit. The question arises: Should it be cut down or should it be given another chance? God is a God of second chances, always patient and merciful, never giving up on His way of love...
- March 6, 2025
Soul Food for The Fourth Sunday of Lent, 30th March 2025
Many say that the Bible is full of stories and fables, but today’s inspired Gospel story presents a real family story – a parable of brokenness and reconciliation. Many of us can relate to family struggles, whether between parents and children or among siblings. These experiences are deeply human and can leave lasting wounds in our hearts. Looking closely at this story, we see many layers. The older son’s anger was essentially uncontrollable at his father’s actions; the younger son demanded his inheritance immediately. Everyone knew of the younger son’s disgrace, and he carried the shame of his actions...
Soul Food for The Second Sunday of Lent, 16th March 2025
House devil, Street angel is a common phrase among parents speaking about their children and the different personalities that they can have in different places. Today's Gospel points to the fact the people are not always as they seem. The mountain visit was the same; the apostles saw Jesus, Son of God, radiant in prayer and, in the middle of all contexts, the passion was announced, and they saw the person behind the face.
- February 25, 2025
Soul Food for The First Sunday of Lent, 9th March 2025
Jesus was brought out of the ordinary into a place of temptation, facing three challenges: power, wealth and comfort. These temptations reflect how easily we can be led astray when we focus on material gain over our faith in God. Jesus' response to these temptations reminds us that all we do should be in service to God and our neighbour. On Ash Wednesday, we were invited to believe in the Good News – this is where we find true life and strength.