Dream Big
The new year is in its infancy and many people, including myself, feel a little more motivated at this time of the year. New Year’s resolutions like eating healthier, doing more exercise, spending less time on the mobile phone are my usuals. I am also someone who tries to take time to let go of the old and to welcome the new, using this time as we end the Christmas season to reflect on the previous twelve months.
I find it a time for renewed energy and a reality check: Where am I now? Am I a better person than I was twelve months ago? Have I learnt anything? What do I want to carry over to 2025? What are my hopes and dreams? What were the missed opportunities?
I also find myself having several serious conversations (prayer) with God on topics including:
- What challenges did I face?
- What do I have to let go to move forward?
- What happened to my dreams and hopes for last year?
There is always the ‘WHY?’ and, of course, the ‘Where were YOU in all of this?’
I find this mini-retreat extremely helpful, keenly aware that not all dreams come true. But its invaluable not only to review and evaluate but also to invest some time and energy in the “dreaming big” with God. Entrusting to God the reality of my dreams and being open to my part, no matter how small, helps ground me in being open to ‘God with me’ in ways beyond what I can ask or think.
Celebrating the Baptism of our Lord today, I extend an invite for you to give this mini-retreat a go and to ‘dream big’, asking What’s the hope for 2025? Does it include space for God? My passions, talents and gifts are not accidental, how will I use them in the next twelve months?

Jesus’ ministry started on the day of his Baptism and so did ours. Imagine the day of your own Baptism. Hear God saying the same to you: ‘You are my Son/Daughter, the Beloved, with whom
I am well pleased…’ and savour it. The beauty is that this is boundlessly repeated – if we take time to hear it. God loves us first, unconditionally and always, and all we are asked to do is let ourselves be loved and be that love for others. Not easy, but worth the effort.
Take encouragement from Pope Francis in his book called “Let us dream. The path to a better future” when he sets the challenge: “Let’s talk about how. Let’s allow God’s words to Isaiah to speak to us: Come, let us talk this over. Let us dare to dream.”
Photo by Julia Michelle on Unsplash