Many say that the Bible is full of stories and fables, but today’s inspired Gospel story presents a real family story – a parable of brokenness and reconciliation. Many of us can relate to family struggles, whether between parents and children or among siblings. These experiences are deeply human and can leave lasting wounds in our hearts.
Looking closely at this story, we see many layers. The older son’s anger was essentially uncontrollable at his father’s actions; the younger son demanded his inheritance immediately. Everyone knew of the younger son’s disgrace, and he carried the shame of his actions. Yet, through it all, the father never stopped waiting, longing for the return of the son he dearly loved.
And when the son finally came home – mercy took over. The father ran to him, clothed him with a robe, placed a ring on his finger, and gave him sandals. Notice that the Gospel story never explicitly mentions the father forgiving him; instead, his actions embody it. Mercy repairs what was lost.
The father welcomes his son, not as a servant, but fully restores him as his beloved child.
This is a story of mercy – one that resonates deeply in our world today. People wrong one another, and conflicts arise. We live in times of adversity, isolation, war, uncontrolled anger, and retaliation – a world that often promotes “an eye for an eye.” But will we, as followers of Christ, choose a different path?
Will we become a community of peace, mercy, and love in the midst of these challenges? The Gospel today calls us to love as we have been loved – with a mercy that heals, restores and embraces.
Lord, have Mercy.
Image by Stacey Kennedy from Pixabay