Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11th August 2024

Reflections 11th August 2024
John 6:41-51

The Author: Ronan Barry
calendar_today Date: July 28, 2024 - 2 minutes read

I am the bread of life.

For the past several years, I’ve had the privilege of leading presentations for parents whose children are preparing for their First Eucharist. It’s a time filled with excitement and joy as parents pass on their faith to their children while also contemplating its meaning for themselves.

During one of these sessions, a parent raised a crucial question: how do we convey the story of our faith, particularly the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, to our young children in a way that’s understandable? This question is a challenge, even for adults. So, how can we simplify it for our children and deepen our own understanding in the process?

After much reflection and theological study, I was still stuck. However, at a poignant moment at a birthday party, I found a little clarity. It wasn’t the birthday boy who enlightened me, but his sibling who remarked, “Isn’t he lucky to receive all those presents? It shows how much people love him.”

In that moment, it struck me: Jesus offers Himself to us in the Eucharist every day as a gift of love. This gift – the bread of life – reminds us of His real presence in the midst of our everyday lives.

Today, I invite you to take a moment for reflection and to listen to Michael John Talbot’s version of “I am the bread of life”. It’s a beautiful reminder of the profound gift that we receive in the Eucharist and the love that surrounds us each day.

Image by Norbert Staudt from Pixabay

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Ronan Barry

Ronan is Director of Spiritan Mission Ireland, set up in 2017 to respond, in line with Spiritan charism, to the current context of the Irish Spiritan Province and Church. He was part of the Spiritan education team for over ten years. He lives with his family in Co. Kildare.