The gift of peace is a gift beyond our everyday experience.
There is a peace that comes from faith and love, that is prayer. Peace that comes from knowing I am heard, understood and loved.
There is a huge need for listening now, for knowing that people care in our world of suicides, worries and addictions. We can feel we live in an impersonal world of anxiety and isolation. We need the peace of honest conversations and openness, and the peace that forgiveness brings.
Peace is not evading difficulties.
You’re worried about a child, and somewhere – like finding gold in the mud – you find the peace of knowing God’s love for you and for her/him. That needs time and a bit of prayer.
It is good to sit each day in silence, allow this peace to get into you. Breathe in and out just say the word Peace (Shalom). That is God’s peace to you. Jesus knew it was the best gift he could give; it comes from love.
We pray, Give each of us O Lord the peace beyond understanding. Amen
Photo by Sunguk Kim on Unsplash