Sunday Mass Readings for 30th June 30 2024 – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The readings today speak to me of faith – faith and equality.
The synagogue official, Jairus, was an important person of standing whose daughter was at the point of death. The woman who had spent all that she had to be rid of her illness was now penniless but still very sick. Yet, regardless of their different circumstances, both were suffering and challenged by fear. Jesus said to Jairus “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” He tells the sick woman “Daughter, your faith has saved you.”
Sometimes to have faith is easier said than done. When fear takes hold, it can be difficult to believe that things will work out positively. But it’s okay to be afraid, we are human after all with all the frailties which that brings. Fear doesn’t necessarily indicate a lack of faith. It can simply mean that we don’t feel safe. So, how do we feel safe? By cultivating faith, by looking back on our experiences to see how when things were tough – perhaps at their darkest – faith pulled us through.
So it has been with me. How often in my own life have I seen faith at work, especially when I’m anxious or fearful? I can have a great job, qualifications, lots of material things but I can still suffer from fear, from anxiety – from a lack of faith. But when I look to my own experience, I see that I have always been looked after, even when times were tough. I have never been burdened with more than I have been able to handle. I have realised that faith is something which I can practise, as much as I might practise learning a new hobby or sport. I can pray for help, guidance and the willingness to sit with the discomfort of my fear and anxiety. Faith involves the capacity to dig deep and find the greater meaning in life, to know that I’ll be okay, that I am okay – to let go, and to let God direct me.
Faith allows me to align with a purpose which extends beyond myself – to hear the good news and to carry that message to others.
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (Timothy 1:7)
Image by Hermann Steurer from Pixabay