Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 13th October 2024

Reflections 13th October 2024
Mark 10:17-30

The Author: Réiltín Geoghegan
calendar_today Date: October 1, 2024 - 2 minutes read

All things are possible for God” (Mark 10:27)

I have always found it interesting how throughout time the same scripture speaks to us differently based on how we connect with it and how our experiences impact on how we read it.

My earliest memory of hearing the Gospel of Mark 10:17 – 30 was at Mass. I have a clear recall of being confused about how a camel could pass through a needle. As I got older, I realised that it is not possible, but the message is that, through God, anything is possible.

Reading it today, one of the lines I feel most drawn to is 27, “Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said…”

These three actions speak volumes of the type of presence Jesus was and how He models a way for us to be with people. Jesus is the closest thing to God. And he tells the man and us how God is good; he alone is good.

I find the challenge in Jesus’ teaching here is to let go of material things. We see those who are listening to Christ struggle with this idea too. Today we live in a society that focuses on having a big house, a flashy car, the latest fashion etc.

At the end of this gospel passage, Peter claims the disciples gave up everything and followed Jesus. But Jesus points out that they did not give up houses, brothers, sisters, children or parents for His sake.

This part of the message I find a little extreme, but Jesus seems to understand how challenging it is for them. His words of comfort, when they asked who can be saved, are “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.”

So, our merciful Father also understands how we can struggle with material things in this world.

  • How often do we cling to material things of this world?
  • How can we learn to let go of things more?
  • Do we look to God and seek his guidance in situations we see as impossible?

Although we are presented with challenges in life, the good news is that, with our good God, anything is possible.

Image by charlie0111 from Pixabay

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Réiltín Geoghegan

Réiltín has a Degree in World Religions & Theology, with English Literature. She is part of the chaplaincy team in Templeogue College and in Greenhills & Kimmage parishes. She is also part ofthe Vine Team and does youth ministry in the parishes of Springfield, Fettercairn, Jobstown and Brookfield in Dublin 24.