Soul Food for Sundays

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Sunday 6th August 2023

Reflections 6th August 2023
Matthew 17:1-9

The Author: Ronan Barry
calendar_today Date: July 20, 2023 - 2 minutes read

Often there are moments in life that can be ‘mountaintop experiences’ e.g. a retreat.  There are times in life when you can feel so close to God and to those around you that you are going to explode with energy. But then you must leave this experience and move on from this special moment to deal with the more mundane – homework, washing up the dishes, going to another meeting… But you will have other times when you feel especially close to God. These times will be important also.

Remembering these mountaintop experiences can be really helpful. You can’t go back, but you can remember what you learnt. And the memory can help you through more difficult events in your lives. 

In recent times I shared a mountain top experience, as I trekked to the Mount Everest basecamp and beyond.  In reaching the top, I noticed many things. One thing that was most noticeable was how slow the trek is.  The route to the top is not an exercise in speed.  Instead, it is an exercise in methodical routine, or a systematic approach to each forward step to ensure that you have enough energy for the final stretch and the glorious view.

For Peter, James and John, this experience with Jesus was one they remembered, and I’m sure that they remembered it for a lifetime. 

I now share my own reflection from the Himalayan trek.

One Step

The time passes slowly.
Higher and slower each step goes
The Higher you go; the slower time gets.

The time makes my mind come alive
every slow step brings life abundance closer.

Every step catches a new breath.
Every breath catches a new view.
Every view brings Wholeness.

Image by Thomas King from Pixabay

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Ronan Barry

Ronan is Director of Spiritan Mission Ireland, set up in 2017 to respond, in line with Spiritan charism, to the current context of the Irish Spiritan Province and Church. He was part of the Spiritan education team for over ten years. He lives with his family in Kildare.