Spiritan News

5th January 2019 Two Spiritans, ordained in the 1950s, share a birthday!

James Peters C.S.Sp. (95), born near Bansha, Co. Tipperary, and Enzo Agnoli C.S.Sp, born near Parma in Italy share a birthday!

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calendar_today Date: January 5, 2019 - access_time 2 minutes read

James Peters C.S.Sp. 

James Peters C.S.Sp. (95) was born near Bansha, Co. Tipperary and attended Rockwell College Ordained in Rome in 1951, where he also got a BD from the Gregorian University, he was appointed to Nigeria. He served in Onitsha district, initially as pastor in Adazi, and, from 1954 to 1967, in Bigard Memorial Seminary in Enugu.  On leave in Ireland when the Nigerian Civil War began, he spent a year in St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny as Professor of Moral Theology.  He moved in 1968 to Gabon where he was part of Africa Concern’s Biafra-related, relief efforts. He did a further short stint in Nigeria and, in a pastoral role, in Gabon. Returning to Ireland, he was Asst. Novice-Master. Following further studies in Rome, he taught from 1974 to 1986 in St. Paul’s Senior Seminary in Liberia. After a short time in England, he moved to Kenya where he taught for over a decade at Nairobi’s St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, and did chaplaincy work. He returned to Ireland in 2010.

Enzo Agnoli C.S.Sp

Enzo Agnoli C.S.Sp, (94), older brother of the late Fr. Savino Agnoli C.S.Sp., was born near Parma in Italy. After the family relocated to Ireland when he was eight years old, he attended St. Andrew’s National School in Dublin 2, and Rockwell College before entering the Kilshane novitiate and beginning his studies for the priesthood. He was ordained in 1956.  Appointed to Nigeria, he worked firstly in Port Harcourt in a teacher-training college and subsequently as a secondary teacher. He ministered in Ugoagba, where he built a high school for girls, as well as in Akatta, Izombe, Ndizuogu and Uli. Expelled with many others from Nigeria, he spent a short time in Brazil before he was assigned to Canada. He served in pastoral ministry from 1973 to 1979 apart from a short period when he did hospital chaplaincy in Hamilton. Having completed his MA degree in Duquesne University, he resumed pastoral ministry in Canada until his retirement there in 1991. He returned to Ireland in 2008.

Happy birthday to both!

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