Spiritan News

Visit of John Wambu C.S.Sp. and Ruth Hamisi of the Spiritan Province of Kenya

Ruth Hamisi and Fr John Wambu C.S.Sp. of the Spiritan Province of Kenya, serving respectively in the areas of programmes and education, have just completed a c.10-day visit to Ireland. Their visit included meetings with Willow Wheelers and with Nächstenliebe Weltweit / Love of Neighbour who have been generous funders to Spiritan works in Kenya and elsewhere…

account_circle The Author: admin
calendar_today Date: April 20, 2024 - access_time 1 minute read

Ruth Hamisi and Fr John Wambu C.S.Sp. of the Spiritan Province of Kenya, serving respectively in the areas of programmes and education, have just completed a c.10-day visit to Ireland.

Their visit included meetings with Willow Wheelers and with Nächstenliebe Weltweit / Love of Neighbour who have been generous funders to Spiritan works in Kenya and elsewhere, and with parents of Blackrock College students who are soon to go an immersion trip to Kenya.

They also met a number of Spiritan confrères and staff who have served in Kenya or who have been involved in supporting Spiritan works in the east African country, especially in the areas of education and development, and they paid a visit to Rockwell College.  

Ruth (centre) and Fr John (second from right) pictured on a visit to Misean Cara with (L – R): 
Misean Cara’s Marie Therese Fanning (HR / Operations) and John Moffett (CEO), and Spiritan Overseas Development Officer, Connie O’Halloran.

Ruth (centre) and Fr John (second from right) pictured on a visit to Misean Cara with (L – R):
Misean Cara’s Marie Therese Fanning (HR / Operations) and John Moffett (CEO), and Spiritan Overseas Development Officer, Connie O’Halloran.

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