Spiritan News

Confrère witnesses Typhoon Megi in Taiwan

Reporting on Typhoon Megi which had a devastating effect on the island of Taiwan in late September 2016, Seán O’Leary C.S.Sp. from Cork (pictured) noted that “The town of Houli where I live was not exempted

account_circle The Author: admin
calendar_today Date: October 13, 2016 - access_time 1 minute read

Seán O’Leary C.S.Sp.

Reporting on Typhoon Megi which had a devastating effect on the island of Taiwan in late September 2016, Seán O’Leary C.S.Sp. from Cork (pictured) noted that “The town of Houli where I live was not exempted and I have never experienced such powerful and destructive power of the wind. Our parish house, which is a very solid structure, shook and was battered all night by the falling trees in the church-yard while the roof slates were tossed around like paper. Most of our trees are gone and half the roof of the parish house was blown away.” However, Fr. Seán added that “the church itself and the cross and beautiful statue of Mary on the top were undamaged.”

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