Spiritan News

Five Irish Spiritans who died in the period January-April 2019

Fr. Séamus Fleming C.S.Sp. ~ Fr. Frank Laverty C.S.Sp ~ Fr. Gerry Gogan C.S.Sp ~ Fr. Jimmy Morrow C.S.Sp. ~ Fr. Pat Whelan C.S.Sp.

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calendar_today Date: June 13, 2019 - access_time 3 minutes read

Fr. Séamus Fleming C.S.Sp.

Fr. Séamus was born in Co. Meath. Ordained in 1960, he served in The Gambia in pastoral roles in Bwiam and Basse from 1961. Though he left west Africa in the 1970s, he maintained a life-long connection with, and continued to fundraise for, Gambian projects, and pursued his interest in Christian–Muslim dialogue. In Ireland he taught in Willow Park / Blackrock College, was a school & hospital chaplain, did pastoral ministry in Meath diocese and was a member of the Ardbraccan community. Aged 86, he died in January.

Fr.  Frank Laverty C.S.Sp

From Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow where he attended national school before heading to CBS Naas, Fr. Frank was ordained in 1961, and took up his appointment the following year in Nigeria. He ministered there for the rest of the decade including as principal of St. Joseph’s Secondary School in Bende. He moved to Canada in 1970, serving in a number of parishes and on the Provincial Council of the Spiritans’ Trans-Canada Province. He also spent two years in Papua New Guinea as a pastor. He died in March, aged 86.

Fr. Gerry Gogan C.S.Sp

A Dubliner, Fr. Gerry was ordained in 1953, and appointed to the Diocese of Owerri in Nigeria where he did evangelisation and pastoral ministry and, during the Biafran War, was involved in the work of feeding stations. He spent six years in Sierra Leone in a pastoral role and was involved in the translation into Mende of the Mass.  Aged 50, he began a period of some 37 years in Australia where he would serve in Melbourne, Brisbane, and on Queensland’s Gold Coast.  In Ireland since 2014, he died in April, aged 91.

Fr. Jimmy Morrow C.S.Sp.

From Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan where he attended primary school before going on to St. Patrick’s College, Cavan, Fr. Jimmy was ordained in 1956 in Switzerland where he had completed his Theology studies. Appointed to Nigeria, he served in a teacher-training college, seminary, and a secondary school and, during the Biafran War, in a humanitarian relief role. Moving to Ghana, he spent some 35 years there in a mix of pastoral and educational roles. Resident in Kimmage Manor from 2006, he died there in April, aged 90.

Fr. Pat Whelan C.S.Sp.

Fr. Pat attended O’Connell CBS and Rockwell College. Ordained in 1964, he  ministered for over 30 years in Kenya, serving in Giriama, Bura, Taveta and in Hola in Tana River region. He was guest-master at St. Brendan’s House in Mombasa before becoming bursar in St. Mary’s School, Nairobi. Appointed to Promotions during the 1980s, he was based in Ireland. He returned to Kenya in 1991, to the Diocese of Nakuru where he was pastor in Wanyororo.  A member of Kimmage community since 2000, he died in April, aged 81. 

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