Spiritan News

Fr Michael McMahon C.S.Sp. – almost a half-century in Kenya!

A Dubliner, Fr Michael (pictured left) was ordained in 1966 and appointed to St Michael’s College in his home city where he taught science – and coached rugby! In 1972, he joined several dozen other Irish Spiritans on overseas mission in Kenya. Having studied the Kikamba language, he taught in high schools in Tala and Kabaa.

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calendar_today Date: November 30, 2020 - access_time 1 minute read

December 2020

Fr Michael McMahon C.S.Sp.
Fr Michael McMahon C.S.Sp.

A Dubliner, Fr Michael (pictured left) was ordained in 1966 and appointed to St Michael’s College in his home city where he taught science – and coached rugby! In 1972, he joined several dozen other Irish Spiritans on overseas mission in Kenya. Having studied the Kikamba language, he taught in high schools in Tala and Kabaa.  One decade as Rector of a junior seminary was followed by another in youth ministry, with the Young Christian Students’ Movement in Machakos. A move in 2005 to the capital city, Nairobi, as headmaster of the renowned St Mary’s School, preceded a period in the semi-nomadic Pokot region.

Since 2009 Fr Michael has served in the Holy Ghost Postulancy in Thika where young Kenyans undertake the early part of their formation as Spiritan priests. Today a total of some 60 Kenyans are professed Spiritans while about 50 others are in formation.

Fr Michael, one of 12 Spiritans of the 1966 Ordination Year
Fr Michael, one of 12 Spiritans of the 1966 Ordination Year serving today – in Africa, Australia, Canada, Ireland and the USA – is pictured third from left in the third row with fellow Spiritan jubilarians (25th, 50th and 60th) in 2016.

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