Spiritan News

Fr. Seán Hogan C.S.Sp.

(pictured right) was ordained in 1967, and served in Kenya in educational and pastoral roles. He earned an M.Ed. from Duquesne University…

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calendar_today Date: April 19, 2022 - access_time 1 minute read

Fr Sean Hogan C.S.Sp
Fr Seán Hogan C.S.Sp

From Co. Limerick and a past-student of Rockwell College Fr. Seán (pictured right) was ordained in 1967, and served in Kenya in educational and pastoral roles. He earned an M.Ed. from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh in 1976 and spent 3 years visiting churches throughout the USA raising funds for mission in Kenya. Returning to Duquesne, he was associate director of development, founding director of the office of international education and executive vice-president for student life. He was the recipient in April 2022 of the university’s inaugural Mol an Óige award.

Fr Seán and his fellow Golden Jubilarians in 2017

Fr Seán Hogan and his fellow Golden Jubilarians in 2017
Fr Seán and his fellow Golden Jubilarians in 2017
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