Today’s gospel is a passage well-known to many people. It is The Parable of the Sower.
According to Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Chat GPT app,
“The Parable of the Sower is a powerful and thought-provoking story about the different ways people receive and respond to God’s word. The story teaches us that some people, like the seed sown on the path, will hear God’s word, but immediately forget it or reject it due to distractions and worldly concerns. Others, like the seed sown on rocky ground, will hear the word with great enthusiasm, but because they have no root or depth, they will quickly fall away when troubles arise…”
AI offers a very competent understanding of this Gospel passage.
As I prepared this reflection, I was persuaded to try an AI generator as only last month a sermon was delivered via artificial intelligence (Avatar included) in a church in Germany. I’ve heard stories circulating in various networks about sermons prepared by AI.
In my view, this contradicts the personal call that we received in baptism, the personal call to share the Gospel. We are called to be personal protagonists of the gospel message, personal witnesses to the Word made flesh, so that we can grow 30-fold, 60-fold, 90-fold etc…
In the Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) Pope Francis “invites all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment to a renewed PERSONAL (my emphasis) encounter with Jesus Christ. (EG3)
St Paul reminds us that the Holy Spirit is within each of us:
“Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them – living and breathing God!” (Romans 12:8; The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language)
What is your opinion on AI and sharing the Good News?
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