Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

9th February 2020
MT 5: 13-16

The Author: Cormac O’Brolchain C.S.Sp
calendar_today Date: February 9, 2020 - 2 minutes read

MT 5: 13-16 (

“Be salt, as Jesus said, putting flavour into other’s lives,” mused Pete, “or be a light to help others find and praise God?”

Once a group of teenagers were at a birthday party. They were a happy group. Just then the light in the room went out, but a birthday cake appeared with eighteen lighted candles. Great cheers and laughter ensued.

“Old age is creeping up,” said Pete. “Where did the years go?”

All those at the party, friends since primary school, would be leaving secondary school that summer, and knew well that it was quite possible that some of their group could leave Ireland and not be part of their lives for much longer. 

“What are you going to do, Maeve?” one of the group asked.

“I hope to do Commerce and go into business. My aim is to create jobs for others, and make their lives better,” she answered.

“And you, Pete? What are you going to do?”

“Hopefully, medicine. I feel that is where I would be happiest. The sick are always with us and need care and need people to be there for them.”

“And you, Paul?’

“Probably History and Politics. I might even go for Taoiseach.” They all laughed. “And help build a more caring society,” Paul added. There was a brief silence.

“And you, Alex?” asked Julia.

Alex spoke quietly: “I have decided to study Theology and Philosophy.”


“Yes,” he said.

“And what will you do then…become Pope?” The group chuckled, while listening intently.

“I am hoping to join the priesthood and work among the poor and the deprived of society here at home or possibly in poorer countries. I feel that that is where I would be happiest.”

“Salt of the earth and a light for the world!” I like it, said Pete.

Image by Nina Stock from Pixabay

The Spiritans Emblem

Cormac O’Brolchain C.S.Sp

Ordained in 1968, Fr. Cormac began his ministry in education in St. Mary’s School, Nairobi, returning later to the Irish Province. He is currently leader of the Spiritan community attached to Blackrock College.