Soul Food for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 7th July 2024
In C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan – the Lion King of Narnia, embodies a Christ-like figure. In a conversation between Lucy and Mr. Beaver, Lucy expresses curiosity about Aslan, having never seen him but hearing that he is "on the move" and eagerly anticipates meeting him. When Lucy questions if Aslan is safe, Mr. Beaver responds, "Who said anything about being safe? Of course he's not safe, but he's good. He's the King, I tell you."
- July 1, 2024
Soul Food for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 30th June 2024
The readings today speak to me of faith – faith and equality. The synagogue official, Jairus, was an important person of standing whose daughter was at the point of death. The woman who had spent all that she had to be rid of her illness was now penniless but still very sick. Yet, regardless of their different circumstances, both were suffering and challenged by fear. Jesus said to Jairus “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” He tells the sick woman “Daughter, your faith has saved you.”
- June 9, 2024
Soul Food for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 23th June 2024
When Things Get out of Control. If you are like me, you generally like being in control, and when that is not so, it may feel very uncomfortable. In early 2009, after a short sabbatical in Ireland, I returned to work in Angola full of life and spirit. Within a few months of my return, I fell seriously ill, eventually discovering it was cerebral malaria. Returning to Ireland for treatment, I was confined to my bed for a long time, trying to overcome an evident energy deficit...
Soul Food for Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – 16th June 2024
It is tempting to succumb to impatience, especially when confronted with the injustices plaguing our world; seeing innocent individuals stripped of their dignity and respect can be disheartening. It's equally tempting to grow frustrated with the impatience displayed by others, screaming for “their way or no way”. Amidst this, we're reminded of the virtue of patience. We mustn't lose hope when observing the state of the world, our faith communities, our neighbours or even ourselves in the mirror. Every gesture, no matter how small...
- June 2, 2024