Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 28th January 2024

A world that is greatly in need of God and love. In today's Gospel reading, we see Jesus heal a sick man who was tormented by an unclean spirit for a long time, while the First Reading affirms the Book of Deuteronomy, fulfilling the promise that the coming Messiah will be chosen from among us and will set all of us free.

Author: admin - January 10, 2024

A couple helping each other up a hill

Soul Food for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 21st January 2024

15th January is the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King who will always be remembered for his famous 6-minute-long, “I have a dream”, speech. The speech was a connection for the ordinary person to a world without hate, injustice or inequality. It is still a dream today as we continue to witness to violence and horror in our world.

Author: admin -

Two women in Argentine chatting together

Soul Food for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 14th January 2024

Different experiences can put new vision on familiar readings. I can now look at today’s Gospel in a whole new way. I started working in my new role as Sacramental Co-ordinator in Rathfarnham parish a few months ago and now it has given me a whole new perspective on this passage. I now have the opportunity to be involved with young people as they prepare for the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation.  I can see all the possibilities, the hope, the fun and the interest they have in knowing everything!

Author: admin -

Children holding hands together

A Reflection for The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, 7th January 2024

This feast day reveals the coming of God for all and to be with all. One has to explore and journey like the Magi to see, to recognize, to find and to adore Christ, who is constantly being born among and around us. The Magi followed the star, but we follow our GPS to reach a destination. What do I depend on for my journey? How do I explore and seek God in my spiritual and personal journey?

Author: admin - December 10, 2023

The magi following the star
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