Soul Food for Good Friday 7th April 2023
Good Friday, and especially the Cross, was always problematic for me when I was growing up. What’s good about it? It is something that has intrigued, challenged, confused and fascinated me to the core of my faith, and still does. It is a scene of extremes and I still struggle with this. So, as many will walk the Stations of the Cross in some way today, here’s my mini-reflection from where I currently am.
- April 3, 2023
Soul Food for Holy Thursday, 6th April, 2023
I taught at St Henry’s Marist College in Durban, South Africa for 16 years. At the start of every year, we took the senior class away on a leadership camp. On the last night, after supper, we gathered in the main hall. Pupils and teachers sat in a circle with candles lighting the gloom. We read John’s account of the washing of the feet and then the headmaster or another member of the school’s management team would take a towel and bowl of water, kneel at the feet of one of the pupils and wash their feet, speaking the words “now do likewise”.
Soul Food for Palm Sunday 2nd April 2023
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. At the time we think of the death of Jesus. His death was the result of the courage of his convictions, belief and his willingness to fulfill his mission. He had lived his life with a message of compassion, of love for the poor and marginalized, at times criticizing the powerful in society who had failed to care for weak. He died at the hands of injustice.
- March 31, 2023
Soul Food for Sunday 26th March 2023
As we move towards Psalm Sunday, today’s readings remind us that Jesus is the Resurrection and Life. Similarly, John was reminding his readers that Jesus was preparing his followers as he moved towards his inescapable future. Jesus’ life is the hopeful message that we can have faith in. At the core of our faith is Jesus’ resurrection; the overcoming of death and darkness into the fullness of life with God.
- March 9, 2023