Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, 1/1/2023

The above quote from today’s Gospel is a powerful line.  It goes to the heart of parenting. Keeping all things in our hearts so that we can understand.  As parents, we remember small details of first steps, first tooth, first day in school, first football game etc… so many firsts. Today's Gospel speaks of the birth of Jesus: Joseph and Mary caring for the baby; the visitors being amazed at the child Jesus.

Author: admin - December 21, 2022

Joseph, Mary and Jesus

Soul Food for Christmas Day 2022

The writer G.K. Chesterton is reported to have said that the only way to understand Christmas properly is by standing on your head. In his own humorous way, he was making a very significant point. The birth of Jesus has turned the whole world upside down and we cannot appreciate it by looking at it in the normal way. To see what Chesterton was saying we need to go back a bit.

Author: admin - December 4, 2022

Christmas Nativity Scene

Soul Food for The Fourth Sunday of Advent, 18th December 2022

The 4th Sunday of Advent focuses in – and on – the life of St. Joseph. Joseph's faith and his faithfulness are seen for all in this depiction of the call of Joseph. The visit from the Angel calls Joseph to a new vocation to become the guardian of Jesus and Mary. Accepting this invitation, Joseph opens his life to God...

Author: admin -

A carving of St Joseph

A Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, 11th December 2022

For this Third Sunday of Advent, I thought it might be useful to first reflect on the Advent season, its symbolism and what meaning it holds in our modern world. The word itself comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming.” Over time, Advent has evolved and, since the Middle Ages, has become synonymous with marking Christ’s first coming which we celebrate at Christmas.  Today, we celebrate Advent over the four weeks leading up to Christmas each year. 

Author: admin -

Guadete Sunday
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