Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 6th November 2022

In the gospel this week the Sadducees ask Jesus a silly question about whose wife the woman in the resurrection will be, having been married to the seven brothers? They have no intention of listening to what Jesus has to say but only want to test his teachings. Sadducees do not believe in the resurrection, and they deny the immortality of the soul. 

Author: admin - October 24, 2022

beautiful sunlight coming from the clouds

A Reflection for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, 30th October 2022

e news in today’s readings is indeed good. We are children of God and we are so loved, despite all our human faults and shortcomings; each of us is more loved than we can imagine or comprehend. As members of the Spiritan family, we are reminded of our mission as outlined by our co-founders. Francis Libermann reminds us that “You are a child of God” but goes one step further by commanding us to “live as such”; God requires us to live a life influenced by love and improving the circumstances of others less fortunate than ourselves.

Author: admin - October 6, 2022

Zacchaeus in the Sycamore

A Reflection for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 23rd October 2022

I thank God for this special day as we seek to grow in faith and commit ourselves to the service of people. I do believe that there is a need to always remember to implore wisdom from God: the wisdom to truly value and respect each other’s contributions, the wisdom to understand and overcome the barriers that our cultural differences can present, and the wisdom to know that God is the strength in our different missions. We should be conscious that God graced us to be servants of his people. We can be in a position to judge the actions of a person but not judge the person as that is for God alone...

Author: admin -

A man praying with the Bible

A Reflection for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 16th October 2022

In today’s Gospel the parable of the persistent widow is introduced as a parable about prayer and not losing heart; it then moves into a story about justice and ends with a question about faith, as always setting a challenge before us. I must admit that I do not always find prayer easy. Growing up, like many, I learned a series of prayers by heart and could rhyme them off on request without taking a moment to dwell on the words, sentiment or meaning...

Author: admin -

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