Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday of the Year, 24th July 2022

William Shakespeare’s above words in Hamlet make it clear that he believed in some way in the power of prayer.  The Readings of this (seventeenth) Sunday, especially the 1st Reading from Genesis and the Gospel from St. Luke, demonstrate the vital importance of prayer, with a strong emphasis on the prayer of perseverance. The late American Catholic author, Thomas Merton, was asked by a friend who was worried because of his difficulty in praying and was told, “Give it time.”

Author: admin - July 5, 2022

Hands with candle in prayer

Soul Food for the Sixteenth Sunday of the Year, 17th July 2022

Martha, who features in today’s Gospel, is a worrier; she frets over too many things. I sympathize! I’m a worrier too. I can fret over the smallest things. And I still do. But over the years I’ve learned to catch myself worrying and I say to myself “There you go again … what are you like!” And I can smile...

Author: admin - July 3, 2022

A large anchor

A Reflection for the Fifteenth Sunday of the Year, 10th July 2022

It is interesting to notice how Jesus answers people when they put direct questions to him. Today’s Gospel is a case in point. He is asked “Who is my neighbour?” and he doesn’t answer, but instead tells a story.

Author: admin -

A person begging in the street

A Reflection for the Fourteenth Sunday of the Year, 3rd July 2022

Living, as we do, in an age of mass communication, instant connectivity, social media outlets, virtual meetings and remote learning, it can be difficult to know how we, as Christians, should behave towards each other. We are all charged to love one another and are happy to do so but, when nowadays we often have little personal interaction with others, how?

Author: admin - June 26, 2022

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