A Reflection for The Feast of the Ascension / Seventh Sunday of Easter, 29th May 2022
In today’s Gospel, Luke tells us that when Jesus was carried up to heaven, the disciples returned to Jerusalem, ‘full of joy’. What a marked contrast to the reaction of those same disciples to the events of Good Friday. The sadness, the uncertainty, the fear of then has now disappeared, and they have become men and women with a mission. heir mission is to be witnesses to their own experience of the Jesus who spoke so many inspiring parables, who brought God’s forgiveness, who healed the sick, who welcomed saints and sinners alike, who reached out to the most marginalised in society...
- May 9, 2022
A Reflection for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (22nd May) 2022
are the ones who inspire, who bring out the best in us, and who do not just impart knowledge, though they have to do that as well. Good teachers encourage our curiosity, leave us wanting to know more. Good teachers believe in the potential of the people they are teaching.
A Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter (15th May) 2022
‘New’ is a recurring word in today’s readings. I began to wonder what the word actually means to a Christian because in today’s world it can have a number of connotations, some of them negative. In a throwaway or consumer culture it could mean disposing of something because it’s out of fashion or because it doesn’t have the latest features or updates. When a smartphone or laptop, though still in perfect working order, ceases to be the latest, some people are willing to pay for a completely new version to replace it. This seems to display a certain craving for novelty for its own sake.
A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter / Good Shepherd Sunday (8th May) 2022
esus shows himself as the faithful shepherd who knows his flock. He is with them, giving them protection but also leading them. He is not driving them; they follow him. He is gently leading them to new pastures...
- April 27, 2022