Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter (1st May) 2022

The readings of today are interesting, especially regarding Peter and the disciples. A few weeks earlier they were trembling from fear, and they all ran away. Now in the Reading from Acts of the Apostles we see them empowered by the Holy Spirit to answer the challenge put to them by the Sanhedrin. Peter proclaims, “We must obey God rather than men.” Here he leads the way for us, showing the courage that comes from being disciples of the Lamb!  

Author: admin - April 27, 2022

Sea of Galilee

The Seven Last Words – Easter 2022

This Holy Week the whole world finds itself engulfed in a crisis that has broken over us just as we thought that we were emerging from a pandemic. Our hope was that Covid might have taught us lessons on solidarity and the value of reaching out to ‘the other’. However, once again we are face-to-face with the pain and destruction of war. 

Author: admin - April 6, 2022

Easter week

A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday (24th April 2022)

Thomas is absent when Jesus comes and stands in the midst of the apostles in the locked room and shows them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoice. However, the returning Thomas is having none of it: “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

Author: admin - March 28, 2022

A young man praying in a field

A Reflection for Easter Sunday (17th April) 2022

There are three people mentioned in the Gospel for Easter Sunday morning: Peter, Mary Magdalene and the Beloved Disciple. postle because that is what the tradition says. However, the evangelist chose not to identify this person, chose not to give him (or her!) a name. That can’t have been an accident.  

Author: admin -

Image of the tomb Jesus was resurrected from
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