A Reflection for St Patrick’s Day (17th March) 2022
A notable feature in today’s life is the apparent ease with which people change from one job to another, sometimes out of necessity, sometimes out of choice. But change is not new. Amos was a shepherd and a minder of sycamore trees when he answered the call to preach on behalf of the poor and of genuine religion...
- February 27, 2022
A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent (13th March) 2022
Customarily, the reading of the Transfiguration of Jesus is proclaimed on the Second Sunday of Lent at the Eucharist as part of the Liturgy of the Word. This Christ-event is recorded in three of the Gospels, Mark, Matthew & Luke, and is also mentioned in the Second Letter of Peter. (2 Peter 1:16–18). A total of three Gospels, each giving an account of the event, indicates that the community of the early Church considered this Christ-event of the Transfiguration as very, very significant.
A Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent (6th March) 2022
We begin our season of Lent by listening to one of the most familiar gospel stories of the Lenten season: The Temptation of Jesus in the Desert (Luke 4:1-13). Through this account, Jesus remains steadfast, never once giving into temptation, thereby giving us an example of how we can trust in the Lord, our God. The readings from today fill us with the courage to call on, and to trust, God in times of trouble.
- February 21, 2022
A Reflection for the Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time (27th February 2022)
timated 4,000 friars, is located to the right of a dimly lit passageway. The crypt walls and passageway are decorated with the remains of the friars in an elaborate artistic fashion.
- February 3, 2022