Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (20th February 2022)

though many years have passed, I remember this story as if it happened yesterday. I was scheduled to preside at the first Mass of the day in the parish. In the sacristy there was a note, letting me know that a parishioner who would be attending the Mass was a grandmother who had just received the news of a terminal diagnosis. My heart sank in sorrow.

Author: admin - February 3, 2022

Woman Praying

A Reflection for the Sixth Sunday of the Year, 13th February 2022

Nowadays if you want a blessing, you have to sneeze. There is an irony attached to this blessing offered to those who have tickly noses. In medieval Rome, a respiratory plague first showed itself with a sneezing fit, and shortly afterwards, the victim died. Witnesses immediately prayed for the afflicted, because they would shortly be among the Blessed.

Author: admin -

Sneezing person

A Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (6th February 2022)

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying! In our readings today Isaiah opens us to the beautiful message that God always takes the initiative in our lives and wants us to be collaborators in sharing the message of love for all.   God is always seeking us, calling us and prompting us. God gently nudges us to notice, to listen, to hear and – most importantly – to respond.

Author: admin - February 2, 2022

Out into the deep - boat on the ocean

A Reflection for The Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, 30th January 2022

he Good News to the poor.......” (Lk 4: 18-19) is the central one that animates our service. It’s on the first page of our congregation’s founding document, the Spiritan Rule of Life. applause for the fine words of Jesus and for what He set out to achieve but no, He is rejected. “Who is this but the carpenter’s son?” / “How can such fine words flow from Him?” And they turn on Him and threaten to kill Him for blasphemy...

Author: admin - January 25, 2022

Apartment door
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