A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Christmas (2nd January 2022)
Today, for the second time over Christmas we are offered the Prologue form of John’s Gospel (Jn 1:1-18). It seems that we are being asked to think big – very BIG! The opening words “in the beginning”, bring us to Genesis 1 and another poem in which we are asked to contemplate another beginning, the mystery of creation in all its wonder.
- December 22, 2021
A Reflection for The Feast of the Holy Family (Sunday 26th December)
Think of the love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called God’s children and that is what we are...” I can think of two possible approaches to today’s feast. If we focus on the holy family of Nazareth, we will find ourselves trying to imagine a vastly different world with very little to go on...
A Reflection for Christmas Day, 25th December 2021
This Christmas is the second in which we find ourselves celebrating while Covid-19 reminds us not to take everything for granted and shows us that, despite our optimism in directing our own paths, life and times are unpredictable. Christmas is not an escape from a tough world into a fanciful retreat; rather, it is an affirmation that the human story is the place of God’s engagement with humanity and that happens in the here-and-now, in good times and testing times, in the unfolding of our lives. God-with-us, Emmanuel. That is our reason to pause and celebrate. “I bring you news of great joy for all the people”.
- December 9, 2021
A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (19th December) 2021
hes to go to Elizabeth – Elizabeth’s late pregnancy could spell trouble, and Mary thinks of that. The journey is across difficult terrain, the hills are bandit territory. Mary is young. She is vulnerable. She did not hesitate. Did Joseph go with her? The Gospel story does not tell us. Did she have the benefit of a donkey to ride? I wonder what her parents, Joachim and Anna, thought about their daughter heading off, even though it is a journey of mercy to the relatives.