A Reflection for Mission Sunday / 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (24th October 2021)
Fr. Yves Moal is a French missionary priest working among an aboriginal community in the mountains of north-eastern Taiwan. Fr. Yves was only 25 when he first came to Taiwan 55 years ago and has said that he would be in Taiwan until his last breath. He was given honorary citizenship by the Taiwanese government and he now tells people “My wife is Taiwan.”
- October 1, 2021
A Reflection for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (17th October 2021)
Part of the educational outreach of the French Spiritans is focused on unaccompanied migrant children who arrive in France after long and dangerous journeys from the middle east or from across the Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea. The ones who make it to France are the lucky ones. Many others tragically lose their lives in their search for a better life.
A Reflection for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (10th October 2021)
A clue in a cryptic crossword: a quote from Homer in three letters. If you are a fan of The Simpsons on TV you would probably know the answer,” Duh!” Maybe the man in today's Gospel, whose face fell, also muttered something similar under his breath. We are told that he was wealthy, but I think that perhaps he was not too wise...
A Reflection for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (3rd October 2021)
Invited to "witness" the marriage ceremony in a Catholic church of three very different couples, I have recently come into a certain contact with "contemporary" Christian marriage in Ireland. I was asked by a ‘friend of a friend’ to witness the marriage ceremony of the first couple. The young bride and groom were lovely, mad about each other...