Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday, 11th April 2021)

It is little over a year since the first stay-at-home order came into effect in Ireland. Much has changed in our lives since then. We have known the frustration of isolation and the fear of sickness. All around us the struggle to cope is palpable.

Author: admin - March 29, 2021

Divine Mercy Eucharist

A Reflection for Easter Sunday (4th April 2021)

‘Easter Day!’ just the sound of it is joyful and gladdens the heart. It signals change, Spring cannot be stopped from breaking through to achieve her transformation.

Author: admin -

The resurrection

Reflection for Passion (Palm) Sunday (28th March 2021)

St Mark’s Gospel of the Passion is the great reading on Passion Sunday. The first reading of all on this day is for the procession, commemorating the event which has been called the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. There is an irony in this 'triumph'. Although in this scene, people are singing and cheering...

Author: admin - February 23, 2021

Palm Sunday

Reflection for The Fifth Sunday of Lent 2021 (21st March)

Every March over the past number of years I have planted pansy seedlings in window-boxes on the low wall of my front garden. Throughout spring I love to tend to them, and then watch and wait for them to blossom into fabulous colour over the course of the summer.

Author: admin -

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