Reflection for St Patrick’s Day (17th March 2021)
In today’s gospel, Jesus sends his disciples out into the world with instructions to preach the gospel. St Patrick’s short ‘Confessio’, his own account of his life, connects us with a most engaging and humane person who followed this instruction.
- February 23, 2021
Reflection for The Fourth Sunday of Lent (14th March 2021)
Today we celebrate 2 separate things - Domingo Laetare / “Rejoice Sunday”, and “Mother’s Day”. In the Mass we are invited to take a break from the penitential nature of Lent. We find some very encouraging words in each of the readings.
Reflection for The Third Sunday of Lent, 7th March 2021
There are things that endure and things that fade away! Today we see Jesus physically opposing the merchants and moneychangers in the market that they had established in the Temple of Jerusalem. There is a sadness in the image of a man at war with the economic forces of his day. In many ways it would appear to be a futile gesture. He was always going to lose this battle.
Reflection for The Second Sunday of Lent (28th February 2021)
Some years ago, I visited the Holy Land and said Mass on Mt Tabor. It is situated more or less mid-way between Galilee and Jerusalem, and from the peak you can look out on a large plain, and the town of Megiddo
- January 27, 2021