Soul Food for Sundays

Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent (21st February 2021)

It is the first Sunday of Lent but Lent doesn't start on the First Sunday; rather, it starts on Ash Wednesday. So, in this reflection we will consider Lent in general and notice the four days leading up to the first Sunday.

Author: admin - January 27, 2021

The Holy Bible

Reflection for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (14th February 2021)

In the early 1970s I was doing ministry in an American suburb trying to get a few dollars for my then mission in Africa to keep body and soul together. In those days, parish visitation was the “in thing”. I spent most of those summer days walking around the parish

Author: admin -

A Man in a lot of pain

Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sunday, 7th Feb 2021)

One of the interesting aspects of some of the gospel stories is the connection between many of the miracles attributed to Jesus and His reaching out to touch those in need of his help - the curing of the blind, the deaf, the lepers...

Author: admin -

Old lady at a window

A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (31st January 2021)

As I look back on nearly twenty-four years of varied missionary service and reflecting on 2020, a year which was like something out of Tales of the Unexpected, I am struck by the simple phrase in today’s gospel: the ‘just then’ unexpected moment for the man with an unclean spirit.

Author: admin - January 13, 2021

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