Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (24th January 2021)

Pope Francis has asked that the Third Sunday of the Year be marked each year as “Word of God Sunday”.

Author: admin - January 13, 2021

Man choosing which road to travel on

A Reflection for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (17th January 2021)

“I’ve waited, I’ve waited”, the Psalmist exclaims in today’s scripture while Samuel shares with us his experience of God. He shares his story of our God.

Author: admin -

Young man looking out at a vista

Feast of The Baptism of the Lord (10th January 2021)

With this feast we move from Christmastide into what is called Ordinary time, except of course that there is nothing ordinary about it!

Author: admin - January 6, 2021

The Baptism of the Lord

Feast of The Epiphany (6th January 2021) The Feast of the “Epiphany” marks the end of Christmas, and the Gospel of Matthew focuses primarily on the revelation of the infant Jesus as the Christ to the three wise men. Pope Francis in his first Epiphany homily in 2014 as pontiff, reminded us that our lives were…

Author: admin - December 27, 2020

Epiphany - the three wise men.
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