Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for Christmas Day, 25th December 2023

As dawn broke on Christmas Day in 1914, a remarkable event took place along a section of the war front in France. Soldiers of opposing armies put aside their killing and for a whole day they sat together, shared meals and played football. They communicated with few words and many gestures. That incident has been recorded in verse, movies (one of the best is “Joyeux Noel”) and, of course, in military dispatches. And John McCutcheon’s poem, “Christmas in the Trenches”, tells what happened.

Author: admin - December 10, 2023

The baby Jesus

Soul Food for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, (Christmas Eve), 24th December 2023

Advent is my favourite Church season; during this season, we see so many examples of our faith in action. Over the last couple of weeks each one of us has been involved in a charity event to raise awareness and support for a worthy cause and you most likely would have heard of many other similar events taking place. We are called as Christians to be of service to those in need, and during Advent we find so many examples of people doing just that.

Author: admin -

Christmas Eve in a European town

Soul Food for the Third Sunday of Advent, 17th December 2023

Rejoice!  Be happy at all times… What wonderful words to hear from the readings of today, as we come together in the dark of winter. Even though the bright lights may be glistening everywhere, and there is an incessant call to celebrate and to party; still, for many it may be a dark and bleak time.

Author: admin -

A person talking with a happy face

Soul Food for the Second Sunday of Advent, 10th December 2023

In today’s Gospel John the Baptist is on the edge. He is on the edge geographically, socially, politically and even religiously. He has no wealth to speak of. He belongs to no defined religious group, being neither a Pharisee nor a Sadduccee, nor a Scribe. He identifies with no political agenda. He is no Zealot seeking the end of Roman occupation. He is a man in a desert, a man apart that the crowd is seeking out. John the Baptist is a man on fire with a burning zeal to bring people closer to God...

Author: admin - November 19, 2023

St John the Baptist
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