Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Among the many themes for today are forgiveness and reconciliation: “First go and be reconciled with your brother…”

Author: admin - February 16, 2020

A Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

MT 5: 13-16 ( “Be salt, as Jesus said, putting flavour into other’s lives,” mused Pete, “or be a light to help others find and praise God?” Once a group of teenagers were at a birthday party. They were a happy group. Just then the light in the room went…

Author: admin - February 9, 2020

A Reflection for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

One evening at supper a young girl sat with her parents as they talked about all sorts of things. Schoolwork and homework were high on the agenda; so were good results and ‘doing well’. Expectations were obviously high; achievement equals ‘good’; doing badly equals ‘failure’; wealth equals ‘success’. The young girl was listening. She wasn’t ‘good at school’. Quietly she left the table and, taking the dishes to the kitchen, she washed them carefully, even though she found it...

Author: admin - February 2, 2020

A Reflection for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mt 4: 12-23 ( Celebrate, Study and Share these Dangerous Words! Among the great gifts that the many branches of the Christian family have in common are the Bible and the deep belief that God speaks to the people through its inspired words.  Of course, there are many views, arguments…

Author: admin -

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