Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent (13th December 2020)

Crossing over the bridges on Dublin’s M-50 motorway is an experience. The lines of unceasing metal cars and lorries remind me of the lines of Safari ants in Africa going about their business. It reminds of the queues of bees heading back to their own particular hives. Drivers are about their business too!! Are they any different to the ants and bees? Well one sentence in Genesis (1:27) is remarkable. "God created human beings making them like himself, male and female he created them".

Author: admin - November 29, 2020

A Reflection for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (8th December 2020)

When the corona virus arrived we were instructed to stay at home and not to socialize. Traffic stopped, the air became sweet and clear. I pulled my swing chair under the beech trees and breathed! Tender leaves frilled almost transparent through their tawny sheaths. The sky was that gorgeous blue that goes on forever and birdsong was everywhere from dawn till long after dusk. Every rustle was magnified as nesting began and young were fed. l had all the time in the world just to be with creation.

Author: admin - November 27, 2020

Covid - facemask on bike

A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent (6th December 2020)

As we proceed through the season of Advent, our planning and preparations are well under way. We know what we want to do and we know how we want to do it – we have a plan. Plans are all very good but without action, nothing happens and nothing gets done. Our Scripture Readings in Advent deal with preparing the way for the Lord just as He will gather the lambs in His arms [Isaiah].

Author: admin -

The Holy Spirit

A Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent (29th November 2020)

Advent again. Advent is a very rich and interesting liturgical season. It is described variously. Maybe one word describes it well. That is ‘waiting’. However, some may be confused by the word ‘waiting’ and the word ‘time’. Last year we waited, and Jesus came. He comes every time that we celebrate the Eucharist.

Author: admin - October 23, 2020

Advent wreat
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