Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

MT 22: 1-14 ( The Covid-19 situation has had a negative impact upon so many activities in recent months. Ç’a va sans dire, .as they say. Our opportunities to celebrate – anything really – have been put on hold or required of humanity a creativity not normally exercised. As members…

Author: admin - September 27, 2020

A Reflection for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The image of the vineyard both in the first reading and the Gospel display how vital we are to God and how much effort God has invested in making us fruitful. But regrettably, humankind continues to fail to respond to God's love.

Author: admin -

A Reflection for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

I’m writing this while the media are screaming blue murder: headlines about Ireland’s ‘Golfgate’, bulletins about what Brussels thinks. It’s all heady stuff. Our so-called ‘betters’ – the great and the good, politicians, bankers, judges, members of the media and others –scampered off to Clifden in Connemara, and apparently broke all the rules that had been made to help us contain Covid-19.

Author: admin -

A Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The latecomers in today’s Gospel story are the gentile peoples to whom the Good News and the call to work in the Lord’s vineyard came late in the day. The first to respond to Jesus’ call were his own faithful followers who left everything and followed him. But the leaders of the Jewish people rejected Jesus and had him crucified...

Author: admin - September 20, 2020

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