A Reflection for the Feast of Christ the King (22nd November 2020)
Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. In the “Our Father” we pray “Thy kingdom come”. However, when Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God, he means something very different from kings and kingdoms so often associated with excessive wealth and the abuse of power. In the New Testament, it is the term most used by Jesus to define his mission. Jesus is a different type of king.
- October 23, 2020
A Reflection for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (15th November 2020)
What a wonderful insight today’s gospel gives us into who we are! Even more so into what we are called to be, the dream to be realised. The talents to be discovered and developed to the fullest of our potential. To turn opportunities into blessings for someone, a situation, a community. Who can do this?
A Reflection for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (8th November 2020)
What does it mean to be “wise”? The Old Testament has plenty of books and material on “wisdom” and we have an example of its thinking in the first reading. But in the Gospel, Jesus does not give a lecture on wisdom; instead he tells a story. And like all his stories or parables, there is a certain ambiguity in it, and we have to work out what it is all about.
A Reflection for All Saints’ Day (1st November 2020)
“Bake Off’ has become an increasingly popular TV programme in our home. It is a celebration of imagination and skill in food- preparation and presentation. Our interest is in its ‘show-stopper’ section, in which the contestants showcase their creativity and skill in interpreting a challenge to produce the showstopping item which will win a place in the next week's contest.