Soul Food for Sundays

A Reflection for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our need to imitate is a large part of what keeps the wheels of commerce turning. A certain amount of that is normal, but it becomes unhealthy and inappropriate (e.g. my Spiderman neighbour) when it is a sign of insecurity or immaturity. So, a symptom of security and growth in maturity has to be: finding one's identity, discovering who I am, coming to terms with reality and being at peace with that.

Author: admin - September 27, 2020

A Reflection for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the first reading I was stopped in my tracks and very moved by the words ‘I have called you by your name’ (Is 45:4). That God should call me by my name is humbling. It is also a daily occurrence ‘from the rising to the setting of the sun’ (Is 45:6). How humbling to be called by name by a God who is everywhere.

Author: admin -

A Reflection for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

MT 22: 1-14 ( The Covid-19 situation has had a negative impact upon so many activities in recent months. Ç’a va sans dire, .as they say. Our opportunities to celebrate – anything really – have been put on hold or required of humanity a creativity not normally exercised. As members…

Author: admin -

A Reflection for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The image of the vineyard both in the first reading and the Gospel display how vital we are to God and how much effort God has invested in making us fruitful. But regrettably, humankind continues to fail to respond to God's love.

Author: admin -

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