Soul Food for Sundays

Reflection for The Fifth Sunday of the Season of Creation 29th September 2024

Reflections 29th September 2024
Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

The Author: Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp.
calendar_today Date: August 15, 2024 - 2 minutes read

In today’s gospel, the disciples are too busy with their own plans for the future and so are unable to hear the critical message that Jesus is giving, even when he speaks of his own life being threatened. He concludes by asking the disciples to be attentive to the “little ones”.

We too can be busy with our plans, so busy as not to notice what is happening all around us; where life is threatened, where the “little ones” are being threatened. Several times Jesus speaks of having ears and not hearing.

The Earth, our only home, is in great danger and needing our attention. Pope Francis has been speaking for many months calling us to care for the Earth, God’s gift to us all. We realise that more must be done to save our earth for ourselves and future generations, but we find it hard to commit or to do what is required. The challenge is there – to listen to God’s call today.

Listen to the Earth – (Adapted from poem by Sr Leonor de la Santa)

Listen to the Earth;
our Common Home
it’s in danger now.

Tune into God’s creation;
God is speaking now.

Listen to the rain,
listen to the sea,
listen to the thunder and wind
listen to the birds as they sing.

Listen to the flowers and trees;
each creature has a story,
the love of God they sing.

Listen to the poor,
they suffer more.

Image by Delynn Talley from Pixabay

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Vincent McDevitt C.S.Sp.

Now retired in Kimmage, Fr Vincent served in Brazil in pastoral roles. Back in Ireland, he served in Ardbraccan and parishes in Dublin and Elphin dioceses.