At the beginning of this reflection, get into a comfortable position so that your whole person is open to the Divine within and around you. Become aware of your breathing as it enters your nostrils and exits through your mouth; do this three times; then become aware of your tummy as you fill it with air like a big balloon and let go again; now fill your lungs with air and let it go again. Do this slowly once again, filling your tummy and then your lungs. See which is the strongest area and stay with this as your anchor for a few more seconds.
During this Season of Creation, Christians are invited to think more deeply about what is happening to the earth and to be advocates for the common good in all the various ways.
A visualisation using the senses
Whether growing up in the city or countryside, most of us have a memory of being close to nature whether it was for picking blackberries or being near a meadow that was soon to be harvested.
I want you to picture a setting close to hills as you enter a meadow. The grasses invite you to lie down in their midst. As you stretch out on the soft ground, you enter a world which is now taller than yourself, with buttercups, pink clover, scabious / pincushion flowers and a swath of different grasses. You look up at the blue sky through this greenish haze and fill your lungs with the fresh air and smells of the grasses as you enjoy the sounds of birdsong and the grasshopper which is more audible. You enjoy this peaceful colourful scene for a few more minutes and watch the clouds as they float by. You are slowly woken out of your reveille.
Make a prayer that your heart may be open to the natural beauty of this world as it was when you were a little child. Welcome Christ anew who welcomes little children and what they can teach us.
Now listen to: Walk on Holy Ground (with or without the video).
Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay
The Season of Creation Weekly Reflections
Reflection for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, 1st September 2024
Reflection for the Second Sunday of the Season of Creation, 8th September 2024
Reflection for the Third Sunday of the Season of Creation, 15th September 2024
Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of the Season of Creation, 22nd September 2024
Reflection for The Fifth Sunday of the Season of Creation 29th September 2024
Reflection for The Final Day of the Season of Creation, 4th October 2024
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