Soul Food for Sundays

Reflection for the Third Sunday of the Season of Creation, 15th September 2024

Reflections 15th September 2024
Mark 8:27-35

The Author: Jim O'Connell C.S.Sp.
calendar_today Date: August 14, 2024 - 2 minutes read

We can see someone every day and still not know that person. Getting to know someone is an ongoing work of love, wonder and patience.

The disciples are attracted to Jesus as a powerful figure who heals and leads.

Jesus asks, “Who do people say that I am?” Peter digs deep and says, “You are the Messiah.”

Jesus invites the disciples to understand more about himself. He is not just a powerful figure who heals and does wonders. He is a powerful figure who suffers the consequences of his confrontations with the Jewish authorities and Rome.

St Augustine in his Sermon on the Shepherds wrote “A Christian’s strength includes not only doing what is good, but also enduring what is evil.”

Jesus takes us the way of truth and vulnerable love in a conflict-ridden world.

In this month too, we ask “What is creation? We can be attracted to its beauty and yet see a beauty that is damaged. As with each person and as with Jesus, so too with creation; we are faced with a mystery that is unfolding in a landscape of crime and hope.

Image by Joe from Pixabay

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Jim O'Connell C.S.Sp.

Fr Jim recently returned to Ireland. His recently published ‘Echoes of Pakistan – 1979-2020’ tell of his 40 years of mission experience in Pakistan.