Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for The First Sunday of Lent, 9 th March 2025

Reflections 9th March 2025
Luke 4:1-13

The Author: Ronan Barry
calendar_today Date: February 25, 2025 - 2 minutes read

Jesus was brought out of the ordinary into a place of temptation, facing three challenges: power, wealth and comfort. These temptations reflect how easily we can be led astray when we focus on material gain over our faith in God.

Jesus’ response to these temptations reminds us that all we do should be in service to God and our neighbour. On Ash Wednesday, we were invited to believe in the Good News – this is where we find true life and strength.

We remain part of the community of faith because of Jesus Christ. His word, as revealed in the Gospel, remains life-giving today and continues to guide us in living the Christian message. Today’s scripture reminds us that temptations are ever-present, seeking to pull us off the path of faith. Likewise, the unexpected challenges and scandals within our Church institutions and many other in society can weaken our spirits. However, just as the Holy Spirit sustained Jesus in the desert, he will also strengthen us.

A meaningful Lenten practice could be to read a passage from the Gospel each day instead of spending time on social media. Praying with your favourite Gospel passages, reading Bible stories to children, or attending a weekday Mass can help us stay rooted in God’s word. Through scripture, we build ourselves up as God’s children and find the strength to love and serve our neighbours.

Speak, Lord; your servant is listening.

Image by Steve Haselden from Pixabay

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Ronan Barry

A member of the Irish Spiritan Province’s leadership team, Ronan is Director of Spiritan Mission Ireland – set up in 2017 to respond, in line with Spiritan charism, to the current context of the Province and the Irish Church – and Interim Executive Officer of the Spiritan Education Trust.