Soul Food for Sundays

Soul Food for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 25th June 2023

Summer is a beautiful time of year. Flowers in full bloom, the days get longer, the sky is clear blue, and the sun finally appears. Everyone is out and about to take advantage of the warm days. A sense of renewed energy and hope is in the air, as we place our trust in the weather after the long winter. Today’s readings provide us with a similar renewed hope after tiring periods. The first reading opens with a dark tone of “Terror on every side” (Jer 20:10) but Jeremiah is quick to remind us that “The Lord is with me, like a champion” (Jer 20:11)...            

Author: admin - May 30, 2023

Trees beside a lake

Soul Food for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 18th June 2023

At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36) Today's Gospel presents Jesus’ worry for his people who are troubled and abandoned. He invites us to pray for people who will work with Him and He calls on people to do this work. It seems to me that He is aware of the enormity of the His mission...

Author: admin - May 29, 2023

Man helping a poor person on a bridge in London

Soul Food for The Feast of Corpus Christi, Sunday 11th June 2023

Forgetfulness is a very modern habit. We forget our keys, we forget our texts, we forget our connections. We can forget too about everyday kindnesses. We can easily forget where we have come from and where we are going...

Author: admin - May 28, 2023

Forget me not flower

Soul Food for Trinity Sunday, 4th June 2023

The first words of the Gospel today are so striking, God so loved the world… In our world the human family is only part of the earthly world.  Each earthly creature speaks of God’s imprint on our common home. Tomorrow is 5th June, the United Nations World Environmental Day...

Author: admin - May 27, 2023

two swans on a river bank
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